ca_backup 指令包含下列 Oracle 資料庫選項:
[-oracle_sid <Oracle SID>] [-oracle_offline] (僅限 UNIX Oracle 代理程式使用) [-oracle_purgelog] (僅限 UNIX Oracle 代理程式使用) [-oracle_timefinder] (僅限 UNIX Oracle 代理程式使用)
附註:The ca_backup database options are described in a separate topic titled "Database Options" and can be viewed from the actual CLI by entering the following command: ca_backup allusage.
附註:When using the Arcserve Backup CLI (command line interface) to back up or restore an Oracle object with a DBCS (double-byte character set) or a MBCS (multi-byte character set) in the name, you must ensure the Arcserve Backup server and the agent box have the same language setting.
指定要備份的 Oracle 資料庫的 Oracle SID (系統識別碼)。
指定在離線模式下備份 Oracle 資料庫 (僅支援完整資料庫備份)。
指定使用 Symmetrix Timefinder 技術選項進行資料庫備份。這個選項會建立資料庫的暫時性鏡像,然後代理程式會備份此鏡像。
下列是 ca_backup ORACLE 資料庫指令語法的範例:
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "tbs1" [dbase options]
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "tbs1" "tbs2" "tbs3" [dbase options]
ca_backup -source [<hostname> [<hostIP>][<hosttype>]]unix -database ORACLE <instance name> -table SYSAUX "|u01|app|oracle|product|10.1.0|db_1|oradata|dborcl|sysaux01.dbf" -dbusername system -dbpassword manager -username root -password caworld
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "CONTROL FILE" [dbase options]
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "ARCHIVE LOG" [dbase options]
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "CONTROL FILE" "ARCHIVE LOG” -dbusername system -dbpassword system -username root -password caworld
ca_backup -source [<hostname>[<hostIP>][<hosttype>]] -database ORACLE <instance name> "tbs1" "tbs2" "tbs3" "tbs4" "tbs5" "CONTROL FILE" "ARCHIVE LOG” [dbase options]
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