Common Agent Components
The Common Agent runs at all times as a daemon listening for requests on behalf of all the UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X client agents that are installed on the system. During each client agent’s installation, the BROWSER, AGENT, MERGE, and VERIFY components are registered with the Common Agent in a separate section.
Not all client agents have all of these components. For example, in the following sample configuration file, you can see the BROWSER component cabr, the AGENT component uagentd, and the MERGE and VERIFY component umrgd in the section for the UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X client agent. Similarly, other client agents use other BROWSER and AGENT components.
[0] #[ABagntux] NAME ABagntux VERSION nn.nn.nn HOME /opt/Arcserve/ABuagent #ENV CA_ENV_DEBUG_LEVEL=4 ENV UAGENT_HOME=/opt/Arcserve/ABuagent
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Arcserve/ABcmagt:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/SharedComponents/lib:/opt/Arcserve/ABuagent/lib ENV SHLIB_PATH=/opt/Arcserve/ABcmagt:$SHLIB_PATH:/SharedComponents/lib:/opt/Arcserve/ABuagent/lib ENV LIBPATH=/opt/Arcserve/ABcmagt:$LIBPATH:/SharedComponents/lib:/opt/Arcserve/ABuagent/lib BROWSER cabr AGENT uagentd MERGE umrgd VERIFY umrgd
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