Arcserve Backup provides event-based notification through email, pager, SNMP, broadcast, event log, or through Unicenter Network and Systems Management views. If you have Unicenter installed, you can use its Monitoring Agent to monitor the status of the Arcserve Backup processes and media, and report on the failure of backup jobs.
Example: Alert Notification
You can configure Alert to broadcast a message when a backup job finishes successfully.
To set up Alerts
The Options dialog opens.
The Alert options display.
The Methods & Recipients Configuration dialog appears.
The Configuration Name dialog opens.
Select the Broadcast method, and click the Add button.
The Add Broadcast Recipient dialog opens.
Or, if you know the machine name, enter the machine name into the recipient field.
Click OK and click OK again to save the configuration.
Now that you have set up Alert, you can proceed with your backup.
Click OK.
Click Submit on the toolbar to submit your job.
The Security and Agent Information dialog appears.
If the user name and password do not appear, click the Security button and enter the appropriate user name and password.
Review the security information and click OK.
The Submit Job dialog screen opens.
Your job, which is now active, appears on the Job Queue tab in the Job Status window. If the job is active, you can view its status by double-clicking it on the Job Queue tab to invoke the Job Properties dialog.
When the job finishes, Alert notifies you, using the specified method.
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