The wildcard characters’ asterisk and question mark are supported in the Group field. When wildcard characters are used to specify a job’s library group destination, the job is sent to a group whose name matches the criteria and has at least one available media, as long as there is at least one available drive associated with the library. A media is available when it is not being used by another job (Note: no special consideration is given to media suitability as determined by the job schema; for example, Media Pool). If more than one job uses wildcards and more than one group matches the selection criteria, all jobs go to the first group with an available media.
Typing a name in the media field forces the job to be directed to a group that matches the criteria and contains the specified media, even if the media is busy. If there is no media with the specified name in any of the matching groups, but there is a blank media in a matching group, it is used and renamed. If there is no blank media, the user is prompted to insert one.
Note: The media field does not support wildcard characters.
When a media pool is specified, a media from that pool is used if there is one available in the first matching group. If there is no such media in the group, but there is a blank media, it is renamed and added to the pool. If there is no blank media the user is prompted to insert one.
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