Do not confuse the caroot user profile with the Arcserve Backup System Account. The caroot user profile is used to control access to the Arcserve Backup Manager and its related backup functions; the system account provides the security privileges needed by Arcserve Backup services to operate on the local machine.
Although the System Account and the caroot user profile perform different functions, in order for Arcserve Backup to run all of its jobs successfully, you must grant the System Account equivalency to caroot. For example, if the System Account is named BackupAdmin, and the local machine name is BAB01, use the following ca_auth command to give the account equivalency to caroot:
ca_auth -equiv add BAB01\BackupAdmin BAB01 caroot caroot caroot_password
ca_auth -equiv add DomainName\BackupAdmin BAB01 caroot caroot caroot_password
Note: The caroot password can consist of any combination of alphanumeric and special characters, but may not exceed 15 bytes. A password totaling 15 bytes equates to approximately 7 to 15 characters.
For more information on security, see "Administering the Backup Server" or the Command Line Reference Guide.
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