Whenever you need to check for a directory or file to be restored, locate recovery points, or to just perform a search, instead of querying the content of the entire database, Arcserve Backup performs the query on just the catalog files with the help of the catalog index. If this catalog browsing finds the details in the catalog database folder for a specific session, it will not look in the Arcserve Backup database. However, if it does not find it, it will then attempt to look in the Arcserve Backup database again. If it still does not find the details of the session in both the catalog database folder and the Arcserve Backup database, it will then prompt you to select whether or not you want to merge the session again so that the merge process can recreate the catalog file into the catalog database folder or can regenerate the details from the tape session contents into the Arcserve Backup database.
Note: All application agent sessions except for Microsoft Exchange Server, such as SQL Server, Informix, Oracle, Microsoft SharePoint Server, Lotus Notes etc, do not support catalog browsing and the details from those sessions will be inserted into the Arcserve Backup database.
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