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cabatch - Submit a Job

Use the following syntax to submit a job using a script file:

CABATCH /MODE=Execute|Submit /H=ServerName /S=<path>ScriptName



Return Codes:

0 - The job finished successfully.

1 - The job is incomplete.

2 - The job was cancelled.

3 - The job failed.

4 - The job crashed.

5 - There was a system error.

6 - There was a parameter error.

7 - There was a memory failure. Close any non-critical applications that may be using memory and retry the job.

8 - There was a generic error.



Specifies to run the job immediately. The job will be added to job queue according to the script file, then carunjob will get this job by number from job queue and launch it.


Specifies to run the job based on the specified schedule time (not immediately). The job will not be added to job queue, and carunjob will launch this job directly through the script file.


/H [server name]

Specify the name of the server whose job queue you are submitting jobs to. If you enter "*", cabatch determines and uses the local computer name as the Arcserve Backup Domain Server name.

/S [script name]

Specify the name of the binary script or the job description text file prepared with the cabatch Job Information Template (Template.txt).

/RS[Computer Name]

Specifies to replace the source computer name in script with a Computer Name.

Note: If you do not specify a computer name, the host name will be used.

/RD[Computer Name]

Specifies to replace the destination computer name in script with a Computer Name.

Note: If you do not specify a computer name, the host name will be used.


Specifies the date you want to execute the job.

/T [HH:MM]

Specifies the time you want to execute the job.

/G [device group]

Specifies the device group name.

/TP[media name]

Specifies the media name.

/TID[media id]

Specifies the media ID.

/TSN[media sequence number]

Specifies the media sequence number.


Runs the specified command after the job finishes. The entire path of the command should be included.


Runs the specified command before the job starts. The entire path of the command should be included.


Specifies the credentials of the user running the pre or post command.


Specifies the password for the user running the pre or post command.

/SSN[session number]

Specifies the session number for a restore job.


Specifies to replace the session password in script.


Specifies to use the Arcserve Backup job status as the return code.


Specifies to wait for job completion.

More information:

cabatch - Batch Command

cabatch - Delete a Job

cabatch - Modify a Job

cabatch - Examples