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Create a ca_vcbpopulatedb Configuration File

You create a configuration file with details about the Arcserve Backup Primary server machine, the Arcserve Backup Primary user name, and so on. The ca_vcbpopulatedb utility uses the information specified in the configuration file to populate the Arcserve Backup database.

To create a ca_vcbpopulatedb configuration file

  1. Open a text editing application such as Notepad. Save the configuration file with a .cfg file extension in the same directory as the ca_vcbpopulatedb utility.
  2. Complete the arguments in the following syntax:
    ca_vcbpopulatedb -Primary <PrimaryServerName> -carootUser <Arcserve caroot User> -carootPass <Arcserve caroot password> [-vcb <VCBMachineName>] -esxServer <ESXServerName> -esxUser <ESXAdmin> -esxUserPass <ESXAdminPassword> [-proto <https/http>] [-vcbMountableVM] [-delProxydb] [-retainVMinDB] [-silent] [-debug] -insertvm <VMname> -deleteVM <VMname> [-stopAutoPopulate]

    Note: For information about the usage for this command, see ca_vcbpopulatedb Usage.

  3. Close and save the configuration file.