NTFS data deduplication is functionality that is included with Windows Server 2012 operating systems. NTFS data deduplication removes duplicate data from a volume, which in turn lets you store more data on the volume.
NTFS data deduplication should not be confused with Arcserve Backup data deduplication. NTFS data deduplication is Windows implementation that affects the data that resides on a volume. Arcserve Backup lets you back up and restore data that resides in NTFS data deduplication enabled volumes. Arcserve Backup data deduplication is an implementation that affects how backup data is stored on storage media. For more information about the Arcserve Backup implementation of data deduplication, see the section Using Deduplication. For more information about NTFS data deduplication, see the Microsoft Windows Development Center website.
You define NTFS data deduplication as a local backup option or as a global backup option.
The process of backing up NTFS data deduplication data is the same as the process for performing any other type of standard backup to disk or to tape media. This approach also applies to restoring data that was optimized by NTFS data deduplication. However, when you restore data that was backed up as optimized NTFS data deduplication, there must be a sufficient amount of free disk space on the destination volume that is greater than or equal to the logical size of the files that you want to restore.
Example: File A is 100 MB and file B is 100 MB. Both files contain the exact same data. With an optimized NTFS data deduplication backup, the storage space that you require is 100 MB. However, to recover both files, you require 200 MB of free disk space on the destination volume.
Note: This example does not apply to recovering data using Arcserve Backup disaster recovery operations.
With NTFS data deduplication you can perform optimized backups and non-optimized backups, given that NTFS data deduplication is enabled on the volume that you are backing up. With optimized backups, Arcserve Backup backs up the optimized files, the non-optimized files, and the chunk store. When you perform optimized NTFS data deduplication backups but NTFS data deduplication is not enabled on the volume, Arcserve Backup performs optimized backups.
The following limitations apply to NTFS data deduplication backups:
To enable or disable this option for backup jobs for specific volumes, disable this option as a global backup option and then enable or disable (as appropriate) as a local backup option.
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