Welcome to Arcserve Backup Messages HTML Help. This online help provides you with descriptions and explanations about the Arcserve Backup error and warning messages.
When a problem is detected, Arcserve Backup generates a message to help you identify the problem and provide assistance in troubleshooting and resolving the problem. These messages are contained in the Activity Log and can be viewed from the Job Status Activity Log tab. The messages are categorized as either an Error Message or a Warning Message, depending upon the severity of the resulting consequences. An Error Message is more severe and usually indicates a functionality problem that must be fixed before the job can continue. A Warning Message is a less severe problem that should be noted; however, performance of the job can continue. Double-click an error or warning message to display the message details.
Note: An Information Message can also be generated, which provides more general information or guidance and usually requires no user interaction.
The generated message is formatted with some or all of the following information:
This section contains the following topics:
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