Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Oracle › Installing the Agent for Oracle › Perform Post-Installation Tasks › Automatic Archiving › Enable Automatic Archiving for Oracle Installations Using PFILE
Enable Automatic Archiving for Oracle Installations Using PFILE
You can configure the database for automatic archiving if your Oracle installation is configured to use PFILE.
To enable automatic archiving for Oracle installations using PFILE
- Add the following log parameter lines to the INIT(SID).ORA file in your Oracle home directory:
Note: The actual value of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST is specific to your environment.
- The automatic archiving for Oracle installations using PFILE is enabled.
Function of each parameter are as follows:
- LOG_ARCHIVE_START—Enables automatic archiving.
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST—Specifies the path to the archived redo log files. The agent queries Oracle Server parameters for the archive log destination in the following order: LOG_ARCHIV_DEST, LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 and so on through LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_10. The agent backs up the archive logs from the first local destination it finds.
- LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT—Specifies the filename format for the archived redo log files where %S specifies the log sequence number and %T specifies the thread number. For example, “ARC%S.%T” is acceptable.
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