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Recover a Microsoft SQL Database

To recover a Microsoft SQL-based Arcserve Backup database, perform the following procedure:

Note: The SQL DBagent has to be installed and running prior to recovering the Arcserve Backup SQL database.

  1. Verify that you have a backup for asdb (the database used by Arcserve Backup).
  2. Open the Restore Manager.
  3. Select the session containing asdb using either the Restore by Tree or Restore by Session method. If you cannot find this session, you will need to merge the media that contains the session.

    Note: If you are restoring a Arcserve Backup database from a previous backup session to a newly installed Arcserve Backup database on Microsoft SQL 7.0, the Database Agent option Force Restore over existing database must be selected.

  4. Schedule this job on hold.
  5. From the Job Status Manager, shut down the DB Engine.
  6. Take the job off Hold and schedule the job to run.

    Note: You may need to close the Arcserve Backup Manager after scheduling the job.