Failover is a restore method that detects when the protected application on the Master server fails and switches (either automatically or manually activated) to a designated Replica server with essentially zero loss of data and time. If a Master server fails or must be shut down for maintenance, a synchronized replica (locally or in a remote location) will instantly and automatically take its place.
The advantage of an Arcserve Replication restore using the failover feature is that data processing resumes immediately if there is a hardware failure on the Master server. You can recover data almost immediately from the Replica server, without any disruptions or loss of data or service.
Automatic failover is designed to allow applications that are running on the Master server to automatically switch to the Replica server. This process can either be completely transparent or it can be configured to require user intervention.
Manual failover can be initiated for a number of reasons (usually for maintenance purposes), but it still results in the switching of the application processes from the Master server to the Replica server.
Note: For detailed procedures about recovering lost data from a Replica server using the failover feature, see the Arcserve Replication and High Availability Administration Guide.
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