The Agent for Sybase can restore a database or a transaction log online.
Important! You must not shut down the server during the restore operation.
During a restore operation, you will not be able to access the database that the Agent for Sybase is restoring. Also, when you try to restore a Sybase database session (in single user mode), the job fails. You must check the agent log to see if the restore was successful or not.
If you are reconstructing an entire server, you must confirm that the same database or log and the corresponding physical devices are defined in the server master database. If they are damaged and cannot be recovered, you must drop the database and the related devices before proceeding with the restore operation. The agent checks the validity of each restore before it begins the operation.
Important! It is assumed that you have sufficient knowledge about the database you are restoring, such as the size, logical names and physical names of devices.
Note: Restoring a database incurs significantly more overhead on a server than backing it up, therefore a restore process is considerably slower than a backup process. Unless an error message is displayed or reported, do not stop the restore job.
Restoring a transaction log is much faster than restoring a database. You may not need to restore a database as often as you restore a transaction log.
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