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Deduplication Benefits Estimate Report - Report Benefits

The Deduplication Benefits Estimate Report is helpful in analyzing and determining your backup capacity savings if you use or do not use the Arcserve Backup deduplication feature. This report is based upon the assumption that you are backing up same amount of data with and without deduplication and provides an estimated savings in capacity needed. From this report, you can then easily translate this capacity savings into a cost savings that would be realized by using less space on your hard drive rather than purchasing tapes.

For example, if you perform weekly backups of 1 TB of data and want to retain this data for 4 weeks, this equates to occupying 4 TB of space on tapes. If the average capacity of your backup tape is 500 GB, it would then require approximately 8 tapes to store this backup data, assuming no hardware compression. If you assume a hardware compression of 1.6:1, you would then require approximately 6 tapes to store this backup data.

Now from this report, you can easily see that if you perform a backup of the same amount of data but use the deduplication feature with a low average compression ratio of 1:15, this would equate to needing only 1230 GB of hard drive space (approximately). You can then further determine your average cost to store data on the number of tapes compared to the cost of occupying a smaller amount of hard drive space.

More information:

Deduplication Benefits Estimate Report

Deduplication Benefits Estimate Report - Report View