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Deduplication Status Report- Report Benefits

The Deduplication Status Report is helpful in analyzing and determining which nodes have benefited from deduplication and the amount of savings (backup size) that was gained for each node. By having this knowledge, you can quickly and easily determine how this savings in your backup size can also result in a savings of the needed backup resources.

For example, if this report shows that most of your nodes have benefited from deduplication, and the amount of actual savings between the raw backup size and the compressed backup size is significant, you should consider using deduplication for more backups to improve your backup efficiency. In addition, you can also determine whether you need fewer backup tapes to store your compressed data.

Note: Data that is saved on tapes has no backup size savings unless the tape supports hardware compression. Only data that is compressed and saved on a deduplication device results in a significant backup size savings.

More information:

Deduplication Status Report

Deduplication Status Report- Report View

Deduplication Status Report- Drill Down Reports