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Configure a Branch Site

A branch site must be registered to the central site to enable synchronization of dashboard-related data to that central site. A branch site can only report to one Central Primary Server. To register your branch site, you must first configure it to communicate with the central site.

To configure a branch site

  1. Launch the Branch Configuration wizard and click Next to start.

    The Provide Central Site Information screen appears.

    Important! For a branch site to properly communicate to the central site, you must provide three access and location parameters: the name (or IP address) of the Central Primary Server, the Port number to access the Central Primary Server, and the authentication Password for the AS_CDASH_USR user. You need to obtain this information before attempting to register your branch site.

  2. Specify the name of the Central Primary Server, the Port number to the Central Primary Server, and the authentication Password.

    When the branch site connects to the central site, the connection will use this information to access the central site.

    By default, the Port number is 18001, but can be changed from the central site. For more information about changing the port number from the central site, see Configure the Central Site.

  3. Click Test to verify proper connection to the central site.

    A test connection status message appears.

  4. If the test connection status is successful, click OK to continue. If the test connection status is not successful, verify you have the proper central site information specified before continuing.

    The Provide Branch Site Information screen appears.

  5. You must specify the name of the Branch Primary Server, a location, and the name of the contact at that branch. In addition, you can also specify some additional branch-related information to further help the central site administrator to identify the branch site. Information such as the email address for the branch contact and any useful comments that you want the central site administrator to know can all be helpful in effectively maintaining your Global Dashboard environment.

    This information specified for the branch site user will be sent to the Central Primary Server and kept in the Central Primary Server database.

    Click Next to continue.

    1. If the name of the Branch Primary Server already exists, a message alert will appear informing you of this condition and requesting that you either specify a different branch name or have Arcserve Backup Global Dashboard automatically assign a new branch name (by appending a numerical suffix to your existing branch name).

      Click Yes to create an automatically appended branch name or click No to return to the Provide Branch Site Information screen and specify a different branch name.

    2. If the name of the Branch Primary Server does not already exist, the branch configuration Summary screen appears.

      The Summary screen displays all configuration-related information for the Central Arcserve Backup database, your branch site, and the Central Primary Server.

  6. From the branch configuration Summary screen, you have the option to immediately perform a full data synchronization at this time.

    Important! Data synchronization will temporarily interrupt and shut down the Arcserve Backup database engine and database for this branch site until the configuration and register process is complete. When the configuration and register process is finished, the Arcserve Backup database engine and all database functions will resume normally.

    If you do not want to perform full data synchronization at this time, you can perform it after the configuration process is finished. For more information, see Manually Synchronize Data.

    Note: The initial data synchronization will always be a full data synchronization. All subsequent data synchronizations will be incremental.

  7. From the branch configuration Summary screen, verify that all displayed information is correct before continuing. If the information is correct, click Finish.

    The Configuration Progress screen appears displaying the status.

  8. When the configuration and register process is finished, a confirmation screen appears. Click OK.

    The branch configuration process is completed and the branch site is now registered to the central site.