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Node Encryption Status Report - Report Benefits

The Node Encryption Status Report is helpful in analyzing and determining which nodes are adequately protected, and which ones could be potential problem areas. Encryption of data is critical for both security purposes and for your company to remain compliant. The displays in this report can be filtered by the Tier categories assigned to each node (High Priority, Medium Priority, and Low Priority). For more information about Node Tier Configuration, see the Administration Guide.

From this report you can quickly determine if you have sensitive data on nodes that are not encrypted and therefore subject to a security risk.

For example, this report can show if you have any High Priority nodes that are not encrypted. If you have non-encrypted High Priority nodes that contain sensitive data on them, you immediately know that your data is not being properly protected. You need to re-evaluate your backup strategy before a problem occurs.

Likewise, from this report you can see if you have non-sensitive data on nodes that are being encrypted and therefore not only wasting valuable resources (time and money), but also slowing down your backup efforts.

For example, if this report shows that you have Low Priority nodes that do not contain sensitive data but the data is still being encrypted, you should re-evaluate your backup strategy to ensure proper use of resources and time.

In addition, you can also see if all data on a specific node has been encrypted to ensure both proper security and use of resources.

For example, if within your company Department A has sensitive data on the same node as Department B data which is not sensitive. From this report you can quickly see that not all data on a specific node has been encrypted. You can then research your backup status to determine if the Department A data is encrypted and the Department B data is not, and re-evaluate your backup strategy if necessary.

More information:

Node Encryption Status Report

Node Encryption Status Report - Report View

Node Encryption Status Report - Drill Down Report