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Library Properties Configuration

During library configuration, you can view and modify the library properties. To access library properties, select the library and click Properties. To close Properties to return to the Library Options dialog, click OK or Cancel.

At the Properties page, you can specify:

The following table describes the options available for library configuration.



Bar code reader installed

Bar code reader option is for tape libraries only. Select this option if you have a bar code reader installed, and you want to set unknown bar code media to blank, enable the Set unknown bar code media to blank during initialization option.

Set unknown bar code media to not inventoried during initialization

Select this option if you want to set the unknown bar code media to not inventoried during the initialization process. With this option enabled, the media bar codes that are not listed in the Arcserve Backup database will be treated as not inventoried tapes during the library inventory.

Note: The Set Unknown Tapes to Blank option in the Tape Library Configuration dialog is not supported on WORM media. Do not enable this feature with WORM media

Eject media upon backup job completion

Select this option to eject the tape, and move it back to the slot after a backup job completes.

You can override this option on a per job basis by enabling the global Do not Eject Media option for jobs. In addition, if you do not enable this option and later decide that you want to eject media after a particular job, you can enable the global Eject Media option for jobs.