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Unable to View all Job Logs for Rotation Backups after the Database is Pruned

Valid on Windows platforms.


When you want to view all job logs relating to rotation and repeating jobs, you can view only job logs for the most recent execution for the job.


When Arcserve Backup database pruning jobs run, the pruning job deletes all job logs for a particular job with the exception of the most recent log file. This behavior prevents you from having the capability to view all of the log files relating to repeating jobs and jobs defined with rotation schedules. To configure database pruning jobs to retain all of the job logs associated with repeating and rotation jobs, complete the following steps:

  1. From the backup server, open the following key using the Windows Registry Editor:

    x86 Operating Systems:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCServe Backup\Base\Database

    x64 Operating Systems:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCServe Backup\Base\Database
  2. Create the following keyword:
  3. Define the DWORD (32-bit) value for the keyword as 1.

Be aware of the following: