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Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Mailboxes Appear as Legacy Mailboxes After Recovering the Active Directory

Valid on Windows platforms running Microsoft Exchange Server 2010.


The Recipient Type attribute for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 user accounts appears as Legacy Mailbox instead of User Mailbox after you recover the Active Directory using Arcserve Active Directory Object Level Restore Utility. In addition, the recovered user accounts are disabled after the recovery is complete.


This behavior occurs because Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 user accounts contain attributes relating to the Recipient Type that the Arcserve Active Directory Object Level Restore utility cannot recover. As a result the Recipient Type appears as Legacy Mailbox instead of User Mailbox.

To remedy this problem, complete the following steps:

  1. Recover the Active Directory using the Arcserve Active Directory Object Level Restore utility.
  2. Log in to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 system.
  3. Open Windows PowerShell.
  4. Execute the following command:
    Set-Mailbox -id [username or mailbox alias] -ApplyMandatoryProperties