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Enable Interaction with the Desktop

This section describes how to enable the Arcserve Backup Tape Engine to interact with the desktop. However, these steps can be used when you want to allow any Arcserve Backup service or engine to interact with the desktop.

To enable interaction with the desktop

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs (or All Programs), Administrative Tools, and select Component Services.

    The Component Services dialog opens.

  2. From the object tree, select the Services (Local) object.

    In the Services list, locate, right-click Arcserve Tape Engine (for example), and select Properties from the pop-up menu.

    The Arcserve Tape Engine Properties (Local Computer) dialog opens.

  3. Select the Log On tab.

    Under Local System account, select the Allow service to interact with desktop option and click Apply.

    Click OK to close the Arcserve Tape Engine Properties (Local Computer) dialog.

  4. Stop and then restart the Arcserve Tape Engine service.

    The Tape Engine can interact with the desktop.

  5. Close the Windows Component Services dialog.