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How Archive to Tape to Tape Works

Archive to tape to tape is a data protection solution that lets you to archive data to a tape library or a virtual tape library, and then copy the data to a different tape library or other type of device. Copy operations, also known as migration, are governed by user-specified copy policies.

Archive to tape to tape is a two-part archive process.

The following diagram illustrates the flow of data from the source to the first stage tape library (or virtual tape library) and then on to the final destination.

VTL First Stage

Note: Arcserve Backup lets you transmit up to 32 streams of data using multistreaming. To archive data using multiple streams and transmit more than two streams of archive data, you must license the Arcserve Backup Enterprise Module.

When you use archive to tape to tape to protect data, the archive to tape to tape operation consists of two phases:

Archive Phase

Arcserve Backup archive data from the source to the tapes in the first stage, based on user-specified policies.

Copy Phase

Arcserve Backup copies data from the first stage to the final destination based on user-specified policies.