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Catalog Database Log Files Consume a Large Amount of Disk Space

Valid on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2012 systems.


Arcserve Backup is generating a high number of catalog database log files that are consuming a large amount of disk space on the Arcserve Backup server.


Arcserve Backup generates catalog database log files that can be used for debugging purposes. The log files are stored in the following directory on the Arcserve Backup server:

C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup\LOG

By default, Arcserve Backup generates up to 3 log files, and the overall size of each log file can be up to 300 MB. However, Arcserve Backup lets you customize the behavior of the log files by creating registry keys that control the number and size of the log files.

If you created the required optional keys and specified high values for the number and size of the log files, the log files can consume a large amount of disk space on the backup server.

To control the number and size of the catalog database log files, do the following:

  1. Open Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Open the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCServe Backup\Base\Database
  3. Modify the following string values: