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Agent Restore Options - Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition - Restore Options

Arcserve Backup lets you specify Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition restore options and the location to restore them.

The Restore Options tab lets you choose how your database is recovered. This tab contains the following selections:

Arcserve Backup Automatic Selection

Lets you automatically select all required sessions and options. This option is enabled by default for every restore job and applies selected options appropriately to the automatically selected sessions.

Force restore over existing files or database

Enable this option to let Microsoft SQL Server overwrite files it does not recognize as part of the database it is restoring. Use this option only if you receive a message from Microsoft SQL Server prompting you to use the With Replace option. This option is equivalent to using the With Replace parameter of the restore command.

Use current ASDB as original location

Enable this option if you want to use current Arcserve Backup database as original location.

Recovery Completion State

The following switches determine the condition of the database at the end of the restore job.

Leave database operational

Instructs the restore operation to roll back any uncommitted transactions. After the recovery process, the database is ready for use.

Note: If you use Automatic Selection, you do not have to choose any of the Recovery Completion State selections manually, because Arcserve Backup performs the selection of sessions and the necessary options automatically. If you do not choose Automatic Selection, you must follow Microsoft SQL Server rules regarding the restore flow. For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

Leave database offline and able to restore differential

Instructs the restore operation not to roll back any uncommitted transactions and to leave the database in a state where it can accept additional Files-and-FileGroups, Differential, or Transaction Log restores. This is usually selected when performing manual restores.

Database Consistency Check
After restore

Enable this option to check the consistency of the database after the backup completes. To select this option, you must also choose Leave Database Operational. Selecting this option enables the following options.

Do not check indexes

Enable this option to check for consistency without checking indexes for user-defined tables.

Check only the physical consistency of the database

Enable this option to check the database for torn pages and common hardware failures. Additionally, it checks the integrity of the physical structure of the page and record headers, and the consistency between the page's object ID and index ID. This option bypasses the data validity tests normally performed in a standard database consistency check and examines only those related to physical integrity. Index checking is part of the physical integrity tests unless you specifically disable it by selecting Do not check indexes.