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Convert Jobs Submitted Using the Classic View to the Group View

Arcserve Backup lets you browse source data and submit jobs in two view formats:

Submitting jobs using the Group View is a convenient method of submitting jobs. The Group View lets you submit backup jobs that include specific agents. However, you cannot change the view that you specified when you submitted the job (Classic View to Group View and vice versa) after you submitted the job.

If you upgraded to this release, all of the jobs that you submitted using the previous release are packaged in the Classic View. The following steps describe how to convert jobs that were submitted using the Classic View to jobs that were submitted using the Group View.

To convert jobs submitted using the Classic View to Group View

  1. Open the Job Status Manager and click the Job Queue tab.

    The jobs in the Job Queue appear.

  2. Locate the job that you want to convert.

    Right-click the job and click Convert Job for Group View on the pop-up menu.

    The Convert Job for Group View dialog opens.

  3. Do one of the following:

    The job is converted.