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Configure Cloud Connections

A cloud connection is a user-defined configuration that contains the information that Arcserve Backup uses to communicate with the specified cloud vendor. Cloud connections let you access cloud storage services through applications that are on the current server. The cloud connection helps ensure that your backup data is stored under the account that you created with the cloud vendor.

For example, in Arcserve Backup you would only specify the cloud connection name when creating one cloud-based device. By providing this information, all cloud related items are transparent for Arcserve Backup users.

Note: To eliminate potential clock skew errors when connecting to the cloud, verify that your computer has the correct time zone specified, and the clock is synchronized with the global time. As a best practice, you should always check the time of your computer against the GMT time. If the time of your computer is not synchronized with the global clock time (within 5 to 10 minutes), cloud connection will not work. If necessary, reset the correct time for your computer and then resubmit the archive job.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Arcserve Backup Manager Console.

    From the Navigation Bar, expand Administration and click Device Manager.

    The Device Manager window opens.

  2. From the Servers directory tree, locate the server you want to configure.

    Select Manage Cloud Connection from the toolbar to configure your cloud connections.

    Note: You can also select Manage Cloud Connection by right-clicking the specific server in the Servers directory tree and select Manage Cloud Connections or click the Manage Cloud Connection link in the Servers details section.

    The Cloud Connection Configuration dialog opens.

  3. Click the desired cloud vendor and click Add.

    The Add Connection dialog opens.

  4. Complete the required fields on the Add Connection dialog and click OK.

    Note: The fields that appear on the Add Connection dialog vary based on the cloud vendor that you are using.

    The Add Connection dialog contains the following fields:

  5. Click OK to close the Add Connection dialog to save the configuration and return to the Cloud Connection Configuration dialog.
  6. (Optional) On the Cloud Connection Configuration dialog, click Proxy Settings to configure the proxy settings for all cloud vendor connections. You can automatically detect, automatically configure the script, or set the proxy server manually.
  7. From the Cloud Connection Configuration dialog, click Add to add more cloud connections or click close to apply the configurations.