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Export Multiple Agents and Nodes to a Text File

Nodes and agents that are already entered Backup Manager Source tab can be exported to a .txt file to make it easy to import the list of nodes and agents to another Arcserve Backup server.

To export multiple agents and nodes to a text file

  1. Open the Backup Manager and select the Source tab.

    From the view drop-down list, specify one of the following views:

    The view option is applied.

  2. Based on the view option specified, do one of the following:
  3. Click Export

    The Export dialog opens.

  4. Select the agents or nodes that you want to export to a text file.

    Note: By default, all agents or nodes are selected for you.

  5. (Optional) Click Select All or Clear All to select or clear the agents and nodes in the list that you want to export.
  6. Click OK.

    The Windows Save As dialog opens.

  7. Select a path where the file should be created and saved.

    The selected agents or nodes are exported to a .txt file.

    Note: The user name and password are not exported.