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Device Group Configuration Using the Device Manager

Arcserve Backup lets you separate the slots in your library into groups. Grouping slots lets you run several types of jobs at the same time. Additionally, if you have several slots in a group, you can let the library span the media in the group for you.

By default, the first time you start the Tape Engine, all the slots in each library you have attached to your machine are automatically assigned to that group.

After you start Arcserve Backup, you can use the Device Manager to:

Example: Library Configuration Using the Device Manager

For example, if you have two libraries attached to your machine, you will have two groups—all the slots in the first library are assigned to GROUP0, and all the slots in the second library are assigned to GROUP1. You can retain these group names, or you can regroup and rename them. Since each slot in a library is viewed as a virtual storage drive, each slot can be assigned its own group.