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Allow Arcserve Backup Services and Applications to Communicate Through the Windows Firewall

During the installation or upgrade process, the installation wizard configures your Windows firewall such that Arcserve Backup services and applications can communicate properly. The installation wizard performs the configuration task only if the Windows firewall was in the On state when you installed Arcserve Backup.

If the Windows firewall was in the Off state when you installed Arcserve Backup, and then turned on the Windows firewall at any time after you installed Arcserve Backup, the Arcserve services and applications will not be able to communicate through the Windows firewall.

The following procedure lets you allow Arcserve Backup services and applications to communicate if the Windows firewall was in the Off state when you installed Arcserve Backup.

To allow Arcserve Backup services and applications to communicate though the Windows firewall

  1. Open the Windows Command Line, and change to the following directory:
    c:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ARCserve Backup\
  2. Execute the following command:
    setupfw.exe /INSTALL

    Arcserve Backup services and applications are added to the Windows firewall exception list. Arcserve Backup services and applications can now communicate though the Windows firewall.