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Archive Manager Pre/Post Options

Pre and Post options let you run commands before and after jobs execute.

The following describes a command that you can run using Pre and Post options.

Be aware of the following behavior when using Pre and Post options:

Run Command Before Job Options

Enter the name of the file to be executed on the machine before the job starts.

Run Command After Job Options

Enter the name of the file to execute after the job completes.

Do Not Run Command If Options

Specify for a command not to run if Arcserve Backup detects that a job fails, a job is incomplete, or a job is complete.

Note: This option is not available when you are using Arcserve Backup to manage a UNIX or Linux based server.

Run Before/After Command As Options

The User Name and Password corresponds to the system of the host server selected, and is required to check the system privileges on that server.

The user name and password entered into these fields should not be confused with the Arcserve Backup User Name and Password.

Example: Submitting a Job Using Pre and Post Commands

A user submits a job that archives local volume D. The user wants to check and fix errors using chkdsk.exe on local volume D before local volume D is archived. After the job is complete, the user wants to generate an error report using CAAdvReports.exe.

Pre Command for the node:

The command that follows checks and fixes errors on local volume D before the archive job starts.

chkdsk.exe D: /F”, On Exit Code = 0, Run operation immediately 
Post Command for the job:

The command that follows generates an error report and saves it in a specified location.

CAAdvReports.exe -reporttype 5 -maxSize 5 -Server DUVDO01 -outfile "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\ARCserve Backup\Reports\Backup Error Report_data.xml" -PastDays 1 -AutoName