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Backup Execution Details of a Selected Host

When you select a specific job execution the following information is displayed:

Backup Execution Details of a Selected Host

In the top pane, the following information is displayed:

Job Name

The name of the job that backed up the host.

Note: This release of Arcserve Backup does not display blank job names in the Job Status Manager. If you upgraded from a previous Arcserve release, migrated the job history data, and the jobs contained blank job names, the names of the jobs display in the Job Name field in the Job Status Manager in the following format:

[<<machine name>>] <<job no>>
Last Result

The last result is determined from the following criteria:


The amount of data backed up for the host.


The number of files backed up for the host.


The number of files missed during the backup job.

Note: Use Arcserve Backup Agent for Open Files to avoid missed files during a backup job.

Time Used
Job ID

Identifies the specific execution of the job.

Job No.

Identifies the job.

Session Number

Identifies the serial number of a session on a media. For example, session number 4, this is the fourth session on the media.

Identifies session number of the session that contains the backup data.

Subsession Number

Identifies the serial number of the logical session in a physical session when a virtual machine (VM) is backed up by the Agent for Virtual Machines. If Arcserve Backup backs up a VM using the Agent for Virtual Machines, Arcserve Backup backs up all volumes and components into a single session. Each volume or component is backed up in a logical session. This logical session contains the serial number, which is the subsession number.

Compression Ratio

The amount of actual data to be stored divided by the amount of data stored after deduplication expressed as a ratio or percentage.

In the bottom pane, the following information is displayed:

Total Sessions

The number of sessions that were backed up for the host.

Total Migrations

The number of sessions migrated in a disk or tape staging job.

Device and Media

The tape drive or file system device used during the backup job. Multiple tape drives can also be used for the same host in a single job execution if the job is a multi streaming job.

Media Used

The media that was used during the backup of the host. Multiple media can also be used for the same host in a single job execution if the job is a multi streaming job.

Error and Warning

Displays the errors and warnings that are generated during the backup of a host.

More information:

View Compression Results after Deduplication