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Database Consistency Check (DBCC) Options

A database consistency check (DBCC) tests the physical and logical consistency of a database. DBCC provides the following options:

All error messages that are generated during the DBCC are recorded in the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server log file called sqlpagw.log. The log is located in the Backup Agent directory.

Example: How DBCC Options Work

The following example illustrates how DBCC options work in conjunction with Override Global Options on the Agent Backup Options dialog.

On the Global Options/Agent Options tab, the Database Consistency Check options that follow are specified:

On the Agent Backup Options dialog, Override Global Options is not selected and the Database Consistency Check options that follow are specified:

Note: To open the Agent Backup Options dialog, open the Backup Manager, click the Source tab, browse to and expand the Arcserve Backup server, right-click the Arcserve Backup database, and then select Agent Option from the pop-up menu.

When you submit the backup job, Arcserve Backup applies the DBCC options specified in logical order: Perform the DBCC before the backup starts. If the DBCC fails, perform the backup. After the backup is complete, do not check the indexes.