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Disabling Disk Staging Rotations

When you back up data using regular or GFS rotation rules, Arcserve Backup provides you with the capability to suspend or disable staging in the backup jobs on any specified day of the week, bypassing the FSD, and backing up your data directly to its final destination media.

Example: When You Should Disable a Staging Backup Job

If you discover that your FSD in a staging group is approaching or has exceeded its storage capacity threshold, backup jobs can fail. You can modify the staging job to disable staging on that day so that the data is backed directly to the final destination.

To verify whether staging for rotation and GFS rotations is disabled or enabled, open the Backup Manager, select the Schedule tab, and select the Rotation Rules tab. The Staging column in the Rotation Rules schedule displays the current status of all rotations and GFS rotations. To modify a rotation rule, click the Modify button below the schedule.