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How Arcserve Backup Records Events in the Windows Event Viewer

Event Viewer is a Windows administrative tool that lets you monitor events that relate to application, security, and system logs. The information stored in Event Viewer can vary, based on the role of the computer to your environment and the applications that are running on the computer.

Note: To open Event Viewer, click Start on the Windows toolbar, select Programs, Administrative Tools, and click Event Viewer.

The Server Admin lets you specify the type of Arcserve Backup event information that you want to record in Event Viewer. For more information, see Event Log Configuration.

The list that follows describes the event codes for Arcserve Backup information, warning, and error events that appear in Windows Event Viewer.

The diagram that follows displays Arcserve Backup events in Windows Event Viewer.

Windows Event Viewer showing CA ARCserve Backup event codes

More information:

Event Log Configuration (Windows Servers)