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Restore to Another Physical Disk or Volume

You can restore the raw backup of a physical disk or volume to another physical disk or volume. You can restore the raw backup of a physical disk to another physical disk and not to a physical volume; similarly, you can restore from a physical volume to another physical volume and not to a physical disk.

To restore a raw backup to another physical disk or volume

  1. Open the Arcserve Backup Manager Console.
  2. From the Navigation Bar, click Quick Start, and then click Restore.

    The Restore Manager opens.

  3. Click the Source tab and select the source physical disk or volume.
  4. Click the Destination tab and select a physical disk or volume that is different from the one you selected as the source.
  5. Click the Schedule tab and select when you want the restore process to start.
  6. Click Submit on the toolbar.

    The restore starts or is saved to be executed at the scheduled time.

    Note: Before writing to the target device, Arcserve Backup compares the size of the target device with the size of the device in the backup session you have selected to restore. If the size of the target device is smaller, Arcserve Backup fails the restore job.