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Rebuild Cluster Resources Manually

In most cases, the installation process automatically creates the necessary HA cluster resources without user input. However, there may be cases where you need to create these cluster resources manually.

Before you manually create the new resources, you should stop and delete all existing cluster resources from the group where Arcserve Backup is deployed. For more information on deleting cluster resources, see Delete Cluster Resources.

To rebuild cluster resources manually

  1. Open a command console and change current directory to %bab_home% (where, %bab_home% represents the actual Arcserve Backup install path).
  2. Run the "babha.exe -postsetup" utility to set up new Arcserve cluster resources.

    When a cluster-aware installation is successfully finished, a Post Setup pop-up screen appears with an option to create HA resources.

  3. Select the Create HA resources for MSCS option and click OK to create the new cluster resources.

    Note: You should specify this option only after you completed the Arcserve Backup installation on the last node in the cluster.

    The following new Arcserve cluster resources are created: