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Recover the Arcserve Backup Database Using Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard

Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard is a self-protection utility that lets you recover the Arcserve Backup database if it fails and was backed up by the Arcserve Backup domain that is using the database. Using the wizard you can recover the database from recent full or differential backups, or recover the database from full backup sessions that are stored on devices connected to the backup server.

Important! You cannot use Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard to recover a Arcserve Backup database that was backed up and used in a different Arcserve Backup domain.

To use Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard, ensure that your system meets the following prerequisite conditions:

When a Arcserve Backup server is configured as cluster-aware, all critical Arcserve Backup base-related services (not agent-related services) are monitored by the applicable cluster service (MSCS or NEC CLUSTERPRO). If a Arcserve Backup base-related service fails or needs to be shut down, the cluster service automatically tries to restart it or trigger a failover if the restart attempt fails. To run this task, you must stop Arcserve Backup services. However, in a cluster-aware environment, you must first manually stop the cluster service from continuing to monitor the service and attempting an automatic restart or failover. For information about how to stop HA service monitoring by the Cluster Service, see Stop HA Service Monitoring by MSCS or Stop HA Service Monitoring by NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster.

To recover the Arcserve Backup database using Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard

Note: If the Arcserve Backup server is not configured as cluster-aware, start at Step 4.

  1. If the Arcserve Backup server is configured as cluster-aware, offline the following Arcserve Backup resources:
  2. If the Arcserve Backup server is configured as cluster-aware, start the SQL Server service (ARCSERVE_DB).
  3. From the Windows Start menu, click Start, point to Programs, Arcserve, Arcserve Backup, and click Database Recovery Wizard.

    The Authentication dialog opens.

  4. From the following scenarios, specify the credentials that are required to log in to the server:

    Click Next.

    The Restore Points dialog opens.

    Note: The caroot Authentication dialog opens only if you logged in to Arcserve Backup using a Windows account and then started the Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard. On the caroot Authentication dialog, enter the password in the caroot Password field and click OK.

  5. The Restore Points dialog retrieves information about available backup sessions from the Arcserve Backup database backup log files.

    To retrieve more backup sessions, click More Recovery Points.

    The Scan Media dialog opens.

    To recover the Arcserve Backup database using the sessions that currently appear on the Restore Points dialog, select the session that you want to recover, click Next, and go to Step 6.

  6. On the Scan Media dialog, do the following:
    1. Specify a backup server and click Connect.

      The devices connected to the specified server appear in the devices list.

    2. Specify a backup device and click Scan.

      The available Recovery Points stored on the specified backup device appear in the Detected Recovery Points list.

    3. Specify the session that you want to recover and click Add to List.

      The specified Recovery Points appear in the Selected Recovery Points list.

    Note: To retrieve more Recovery Points, select a different device and repeat the Steps b and c.

    Additional options:

    Note: If a backup session spans multiple media, the wizard prompts you to insert the related media.

    Click OK.

    The Restore Points dialog opens.

  7. On the Restore Points dialog, select the session that you want to restore and click Next.

    If the specified session is encrypted or contains password protection, the Session Password dialog opens.

  8. From the Session Password dialog, enter the password in the Password field and click OK.

    The Recovering the Arcserve Database dialog opens and the recovery process starts.

    Important! You will be given three opportunities to provide the correct session password. If you cannot provide the correct password after three attempts, the recovery will fail. You must then click Back and repeat Step 5 and specify a different recovery point.

    Note: The Messages field on the Recovering Arcserve Database dialog contains important information about the results of the recovery. To view detailed information about the recovery, see the following log file:

  9. When the recovery is complete, click Finish.

    Arcserve Backup Database Recovery Wizard recovers the Arcserve Backup database and restarts all required Arcserve Backup services and engines.

  10. If the Arcserve Backup server is configured as cluster-aware, bring the following Arcserve Backup resources back online: