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Recover Arcserve UDP Data at Application Level Granularity

Arcserve Backup lets you recover Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server database objects that were backed up from Arcserve UDP to Arcserve Backup media. You can recover the database objects at application level granularity.

The steps listed below describe how to perform the following recoveries:

Be aware of the following:

Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that one of the following conditions exist on the Arcserve UDP destination server:
  2. Open the Arcserve Backup Manager Console.

    From the Quick Start menu, click Restore.

    The Restore Manager window opens.

  3. From the drop-down list, click Restore by Session.

    The backup sessions appear in the Session tree.

  4. From the Session tree, expand Sessions and locate the Arcserve UDP node that you want to recover.

    Expand the server that you want to recover and locate the session from which you want to recover Microsoft database data at application level granularity.

    Next, click the check boxes next to the objects that you want to recover, as illustrated by the following screen:

    Restore Manager - Restore by Session

  5. (Optional) To specify options that affect only this restore job, right-click selected objects, select Local Options on the pop-up menu and then do either or both of the following options:
    Microsoft SQL Server databases--Complete the following fields on the Arcserve UDP SQL Server Options dialog:
    Microsoft Exchange Server databases--Complete the following fields on the Arcserve UDP Exchange Options dialog:

    Click OK.

  6. Click the Destination tab.

    The Destination options appear.

  7. From the Destination tab, do one of the following:

    Click the Schedule tab.

    The Schedule options appear.

  8. Specify the Schedule options that you require for the job.
  9. Click Options on the toolbar to specify the global options that you require for the job.

    Note: For more information, see Global Restore Options.

  10. Click Submit on the toolbar to submit the job.

    The Restore Media dialog opens to display a list of the media that is required to perform the operation.

  11. If the required media resides on multiple Arcserve Backup servers, click the drop-down list and specify the backup server that you want to execute the job and click OK.

    The Session User Name and Password dialog opens.

  12. On the Session User Name and Password dialog, edit or confirm the user name and password that is required to access the sessions and click OK.

    The Submit Job dialog opens.

  13. Complete the required fields on the Submit Job dialog and click OK.

    The job is submitted.