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How to Specify Source Data for Archiving Using the Classic View and the Group View

The source is the path to the data that you want to archive. You can easily find the files you want to archive by browsing through the Archive Manager directory to select the user-shared drives and directories.

Arcserve Backup lets you browse and specify the source data using the following views:

When selecting a source, you can select to archive individual drives, directories, and files

To select individual drives, directories, and files to archive, expand a server name and click the green boxes next to each drive, directory, and file.

To select an entire source group, click the green box next to the group name. When you do this, all the servers, nodes, volumes, drives, directories, and files included in the source group are automatically selected.

Be aware of the following behavior:

The view that you specify when you submit a job cannot be modified.

For example, you submit a job using the Classic View. Subsequently, you want to modify the source selections for the job. When you modify the job and click the Archive Manager, Source tab, the view drop-down menu is disabled.