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Skip or Include Database Files in Backups

Effective with Arcserve Backup r12, there are two registry keys used to include or skip certain database files during backup jobs. Use of these keys is determined by the type of database agent you are using.

SkipDSAFiles Registry Key

The following agents use the SkipDSAFiles registry key:

To use the SkipDSAFiles registry key

  1. When performing agent backups:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Computer Associates\CA ARCserve Backup\ClientAgent\Parameters

  2. Set the registry key to Value Name: SkipDSAFiles

    Type: DWORD

    Value: 0 to back up and 1 to skip

BackupDBFiles Registry Key

The following agents use the BackupDBFiles registry key:

To use the BackupDBFiles registry key

  1. When performing agent backups:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCserveBackup\ClientAgent\Parameters

  2. Set the registry key to Value Name: BackupDBFiles

    Type: DWORD

    Value: 0 to skip and 1 to back up (0 is default)