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Add User Equivalence to the SAPDBA User

Before you can use the option, you must add the SAPDBA user as a Arcserve Backup user. This provides necessary permission and enables the backup option integration module to send jobs to the Arcserve Backup server. The authentication equivalence settings must be established by a user with proper privileges.

Note: Within Arcserve Backup, the unique key is hostname.username. You cannot use the User Profile Manager.

To add user equivalence for the SAPDBA user

  1. Verify that the Arcserve Backup server is running.
  2. Open the command line on the Arcserve Backup server and set the user equivalence using the following syntax:
    ca_auth [-cahost <BackupServer hostname>] -equiv add <SAPDBAUser> <SAPAgent hostname> <ABBackupUser> [<ABUsername> <ABpassword>]


    $>ca_auth -cahost oraserver -equiv add oracer ultra2 caroot caroot ""

    This command authorizes SAPDBA user, oracer, on the ultra2 machine, to use the Arcserve Backup user name, caroot, on the oraserver host.

    Note: In this example, caroot has no password, which is why “ “ is used.

For more information about setting user equivalence, see the Command Line Reference Guide.