Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Microsoft SharePoint Server › Restoring SharePoint 2010/2013 Systems › Database-Level Restore Sets in SharePoint Server 2010/2013
Database-Level Restore Sets in SharePoint Server 2010/2013
To restore a SharePoint Server, you must restore all of the sessions that, when combined, completely restore the data. These sessions are called your restore set, and it includes the following sessions:
- If you backed up using only the full backup method, your restore set includes only this full session.
- If you backed up using both full and differential backups, your restore set includes your full session and one differential session. For example, in the following backup scenario, your restore set can be full and differential 1, full and differential 2, full and differential 3, or full and differential 4:

- If you want to restore from a differential backup, you need to select only that differential backup session. Arcserve Backup will find the previous full backup automatically, and then both the full and selected differential backup sessions.
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