Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Options › Disaster Recovery Option › Recovering NEC Clusters › Disaster Recovery on NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE › Arcserve Backup Installed Outside NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE Cluster › Recover Entire Clusters on NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE
Recover Entire Clusters on NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE
You can recover an entire cluster.
To recover an entire cluster
- Stop the cluster services on all nodes.
- Disconnect shared disks from the all nodes.
- Ensure that all cluster nodes are shut down.
- To recover all cluster nodes one by one, follow the procedure provided in the section Recover One Failed Cluster Node on NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE in this document.
Note: Perform the recovery of one node at a time, and ensure that all other nodes are shut down and the shared disk is disconnected during this process.
- Shut down all cluster nodes.
- To recover the cluster shared disks, perform the procedure provided in the section Recover Data on Failed NEC CLUSTERPRO/ExpressCluster SE Shared Disks in this document.
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