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ASDB Sessions Cannot be Restored


Arcserve Database Recovery wizard fails to find a backup device and gives the error “Please mount the media <media name>”, the media name is the media on which SQL server was backed up.


After disaster recovery, the Database Recovery Wizard will be automatically launched to help you recover ASDB. During this procedure, it may fail to find a backup device this happens because the backup device was not included during full machine backup. You can perform the following steps:

To restore an ASDB session

  1. Recover ASDB from Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard using the Media1 on which full machine backup was taken.
  2. You must restore master, msdb, model and user databases manually from Media1 using the Restore Manager.
  3. Create a Media2 and point to the location where the SQL server session was backed up.
  4. Merge the Media2.
  5. Then, restore the user databases manually from Media2 to recover the SQL database to the latest point.

Note: For more information about the Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard, see the topic Recover the Arcserve Backup Database Using Arcserve Database Recovery Wizard in the Arcserve Backup Administration Guide.