Administering Arcserve Backup › Customizing Jobs › How Job Filters Work › Filter Options
Filter Options
You can access the filter options from the Backup Manager, Restore Manager, Copy, Count, Scan, Compare, and Purge Utility windows.
- Exclude filters--Exclusions always take precedence over inclusions. For example, if you add a filter to include files that have an .exe extension, and you add another filter to exclude your \SYSTEM directory, all .exe files in the \SYSTEM directory are excluded.
- Include filters--Results contain only those files that satisfy the filter specifications. For example, suppose you selected to back up your entire local hard drive, and you then set up a filter to include files in the \SYSTEM directory. The result would be that Arcserve Backup would only back up files from your \SYSTEM directory. No other files would be backed up.
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