Using the Command Line Interface › tapecomp - Tape Compare Utility › tapecomp - Options
tapecomp - Options
The tapecomp utility provides various options for comparing Arcserve Backup media to media.
The tapecomp utility includes the following options:
- -s <source group name>
Specifies the source group name where your tape is located.
- -d <destination group name>
Specifies the destination group name. This switch must be used in all cases.
- -r <source tape name>
Specifies the source tape name of the tape you want to compare.
- -t <dest tape name>
Specifies the destination tape name of the tape you want to compare.
- -n#
Specifies the beginning source session number.
The default is 1.
- -x#
Specifies the beginning target session number.
The default is 1.
- This utility supports all Arcserve Backup certified tape drives. The source and target can be different tape drive models.
- A log file is generated for each copy operation.
- The tape compare utility can compare from one particular session to the end or the entire media set.
- The source and target can have multiple media. The utility will ask for the next sequence media when it hits the end of the media.
- Utility progress can be monitored from the Arcserve Backup Device Manager.
- The tape compare utility does not support comparing tapes that were created using multiplexing or encryption.
- The tape compare utility does not support comparing two tapes that have identical names within the same group.
More information:
tapecomp - Tape Compare Utility
tapecomp - Examples
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