Device Configuration › Using Device Configuration › Configure Libraries for Use with RAID 1
Configure Libraries for Use with RAID 1
You can use the Virtual Library configuration tool to configure your library into smaller libraries that you can use for RAID Level 1 Mirroring. You can set up RAID 1 Mirrors on either two drive libraries or a single drive library.
Note: You must install the Arcserve Backup Tape RAID Option to set up and use RAID Level 1 Mirroring.
To configure a multi-drive library into Virtual Libraries to be used in a RAID configuration, perform the following procedure:
- Start Device Configuration.
- When the Options screen appears, select Virtual Library and click Next.
- A message appears notifying you that the Tape Engine will be stopped. Click OK to continue.
- Select the multi-drive library you want to use and click New.
- Select the drives and slots that you want to add to the Virtual Library and click OK.
Note: Only two drives are supported when adding a Virtual Library to a RAID Level 1 Mirror.
- (Optional) Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create as many two drive libraries as you have available, or create a second Virtual Library using however many drives and slots remain.
Note: When configuring the last of the drives, you must use all of the remaining slots. The Virtual Library configuration utility does not allow partial configuration or orphan slots.
- After you finish creating Virtual Libraries and the Virtual Library Configuration reappears, click Finish to save your settings and exit the configuration tool.
- Open Device Configuration, select Windows Server, and click Next again to configure RAID for your new Virtual Libraries.
- Select RAID Device and click Next.
- To create a RAID Level 1 Mirroring group, click New, and then enter the RAID Type and click OK. Highlight the Virtual Library that you want to add to the RAID group and click Assign.
Note: You can repeat this step for each two-drive Virtual Library you created.
The two-drive Virtual Library appears in the RAID Devices box on the left side of the screen and is assigned to the RAID Level 1 Mirroring group.
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