Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Options › Arcserve Backup UNIX and Linux Data Mover › Installing and Configuring Arcserve Backup UNIX and Linux Data Mover › Install Arcserve Backup UNIX and Linux Data Mover › Prerequisite Tasks
Prerequisite Tasks
Verify that you complete the following prerequisite tasks before installing UNIX and Linux Data Mover.
- Verify that the following components are installed and licensed on the primary server.
- Arcserve Backup Server component
- Arcserve Backup Central Management Option
- Arcserve Backup Storage Area Network (SAN) Option
- Arcserve Backup Tape Library Option
- Secure the host name of the Arcserve Backup primary server.
- Secure the password for the caroot user name for the Arcserve Backup primary server.
- Verify that the Arcserve Backup primary server and the target data mover server can communicate with each other. You can verify that the servers can communicate using the ping host name command.
- You do not need to uninstall the following components from the target data mover server to upgrade to this release:
- Client Agent for Linux (r11.5, r12.5, r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
- Client Agent for UNIX (r11.5, r12.5, r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
- Agent for Oracle for Linux (r11.5, r12.5, r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
- Agent for Oracle for UNIX (r11.5, r12.5, r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
- Data Mover for Linux (r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
- Data Mover for UNIX (r15, r16.5, and r16.5 SP1)
When running on the target data mover server, the installation script detects the version of the above file system agents, if any, that exist on that server. If the installation script detects a supported platform, you will be prompted to install the latest versions of the above file system agents.
- Arcserve Backup lets you migrate database information from the BrightStor ARCserve Backup Ingres database and the Media Management Option (MMO) to this release. If you want to migrate the information from the Ingres database, the MMO, or both to the Arcserve Backup database, perform the database migration before you uninstall the BrightStor ARCserve Backup base product and install the UNIX and Linux Data Mover. For more information, see Migrate Database Information from Previous Releases to the Arcserve Backup Database in the UNIX and Linux Data Mover Guide.
- If there is a firewall configured on the target data mover server, add Arcserve Backup to the firewall exceptions list on the target data mover server. This will allow the Arcserve Backup primary server and the member servers to communicate with the data mover server after you install UNIX and Linux Data Mover. By default, Arcserve Backup communicates using port 6051.
Note: For information about how to add Arcserve Backup to the firewall exceptions list, see the platform-specific documentation.
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