The NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP® 8.2 introduces the scalability limit for NDMP sessions that are based on the system memory size of the storage system. For more information, click on the following link for the Clustered Data ONTAP® 8.2 documentation.
Arcserve Backup can support only the maximum of 7 NAS devices per NAS node when the device is backed up from using the Node management LIF. A NAS device can be a changer or a tape drive.
In the Vserver aware NDMP mode, Arcserve Backup can support only the maximum of 7 NAS devices per cluster when the device is backed up from using the Cluster management LIF. A NAS device can be a changer or a tape drive.
For more details, you can refer to the following NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP® 8.2 Commands: Manual Page Reference documentation for increasing the NDMP session count:
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